April 02, 2011

the long and winding road

Spring break for the kids (and for the parents) finally arrived and it was time to hit the road. And apparently it was time to hit the road for the whole state of Michigan. For a large part of the drive to North Carolina, we saw lots of Michigan License plates. Jillian even saw a boy who rides her bus at the welcome center in Tennessee.

For the first part of our trip we are spending a couple of days in and around Asheville, NC and the drive through the Smokey Mountains at the Tennessee/North Carolina border was beautiful. I love seeing the mountains on the horizon and watching them get bigger the closer you get. And as we entered the mountains themselves the roads twisted and turned, winding back and forth as we craned our necks around to look at all of the scenery.

After we made it to our home away from home for the next few days and after we ate, we decided to head down a tiny road running next to the restaurant that headed towards the hills. That road ended up turning into hard packed dirt that wound itself up the side of the mountain leading to what I assume are mostly weekend getaway cottages. Cottages surrounded by trees and hidden streams cascading off the rocks, on their way to the bottom of the mountain.

Gotta love the journey....

Posted via email from SeeEss

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